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Martha Street Studio is about to explode on May 3rd when 50 PROOF opens: an intoxicating mix of print media created by the students of the School of Art, University of Manitoba. Printmaking offers a blending of 2D and 3D realities; physical space and illusionary abstractions. How do we represent the world around us?

50 PROOF is fantasy and reality, personal stories and theoretic explorations, mythologies and folklore, perceptual and invented space, urban landscapes and rural lifestyles. Within the traditional and contemporary approaches to Etching, Screenprinting, Lithography and Relief, 50 PROOF offers the viewer a look into the many worlds of these emerging artists.

50 PROOF is an exhibition of juried work created this year in the Print room of the University of Manitoba, School of Art.

Opening night celebration will be on Monday May 3 7:00 to 10:00 pm.
The exhibition runs May 3-7.
Tuesday to Thursday. Hours are 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Friday. Hours are 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Where is it? Martha Street Studio, 11 Martha Street, ph: 779-6253

ps. buy my shiiit

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